Studio A Packs A Big Analog Punch!
Studio A - Professional Commercial Recording
Our Control Room in Studio A is a professional commercial recording and listening room. Our entire studio has been designed and treated by Haverstick Designs. Haverstick Designs is continuing to work with us for the best sound possible. Studio A has proper corrective acoustic treatment. Treatment in control room A ensures the best listening room possible. The key is for the professionals at Haverstick Designs to analyze the situation:
It determines where to put acoustic treatment.
Repeat the acoustic measurement to see how the room changed.
It makes sure that the place performs as it should.
Studio A consistently exceeds expectations, performing even better than anticipated. This continuous improvement ensures that our equipment always sounds its best. After passing the initial design test with our Trinnov ST-2 Pro computer, we didn't stop there. We remeasured the room, and the Trinnov computer further enhanced the already great-sounding room. Our commitment to achieving professional results every time is unwavering.
Studio A has advanced acoustic treatments utilizing the strategic placement of absorbers to absorb sound. At the same time, bass traps in the corners work to eliminate bass sound buildup. The room also features diffusion panels on both the walls and ceiling. These panels scatter sound when audio strikes them, enhancing sound quality.
We have a ten-inch insulation barrier above the ceiling tiles. Starsound Studios Studio A is a ten-by-eleven-foot room with a ceiling height of 7'6". The fact that these dimensions are not divisible, along with the treatment and Trinnov, is critical to the sound. The room also has two mix-position chairs. These creature comforts provide our clients and us plenty of space to relax. The spacious room outside the control room also allows you to bring in your extra equipment to record if necessary.
Trinnov Computer
The Trinnov ST-2 Pro, our latest investment in perfecting the listening environment in our control room, plays a pivotal role. It measures the space and computes the time, phase, and EQ correction, adding to the acoustic design and treatment we've implemented. The computer then executes these corrections. While perfection may be a lofty goal, the result you hear from the speakers is the most transparent sound possible, adding significant value to our engineers and benefiting our clients.
Studio A Equipment List 1
1. ATC SM25 Pro Speakers
2. Focal Spirit Headphones
3. JBL Eon speakers
4. Avantone Mix Cube speakers
5. Sweetwater Creation Station
6. 2 Octo Cards Universal Audio
7. 1 Duo Card Universal Audio
8. Pro Tools HD-I/O 32 channels
9. Lynx Aurora 32 HD
10. (6) Audient ASP 008 & 800 Microphone Preamps 48 channels
11. SSL Control Surfaces
12. Universal Audio LA-610 Vocal Mic Preamp
13. Radial Ox8 32 channels
14. Dangerous Music Monitor ST
15. Behringer X Air XR 18 Monitor Controller
16. (6) Behringer P 16 M Personal mixers
17. Telefunken M81 Mic (7) (5) Toms- (2) Snare Bot.
18. Telefunken M80 Mic (2) Snare Tops & (4) Guitars
19. Telefunken M82 (2) Kick & Bass
20. Se Electronics Voodoo Ribbon (3)
21. Lewitt 640 Rex Mic - Guitar
22. ProTools Ultimate HD Software
23. Shure SM7-B pointed - snare side
24. Telefunken TF 11 mono room mic
Studio A Equipment List 2
1. Dangerous Music Switching System
2. Neuman TLM 49 Vocal Microphone
3. (3) Gen 2 Dynamounts
4. Direct Sound Isolation H. Phones (6)
5. (6) Telefunken M60 Mic Cymbals
6. dbx 530 Parametric Equalizer (30)
7. dbx 560 A Compressor (30)
8. Trinnov ST-2 Pro Room Corr. CPU
9. Marshall DSL100HR Head and 1936 V 2 12 cabinet.
10. Ampeg Bass Head PF 500 and PF 115HE Cabinet.
11. Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Mini and Rectifier 2 12 cabinet.
12. Kemper Profile Amplifier
13. Kemper 1 x 12 Speaker Cabinet
14. Synergy SYN 50 Tube Head
15. Synergy Amp Modules (3)
16. (5) 1 x 12 Mojo British Lite Cabs
17. (5) Guitar Speakers - Celestion EVH 5150, Eminence - Mick Thompson, Jensen, Celestion - Creamback, Greenback, and Blue Alnico
18. Dialtune Snare
19. Z-Kit Equipped Sonor AQ2 Snare
20. Cardinal Percussion Spin Tune Roto Toms
21. 7-piece PDP Concept Maple Drum Set with double barreled Kick Drum.
22. (14) Guitars/Acoustic/Bass Guitars
Live Room
Starsound Studios has a 12-foot by 12-foot live room with acoustic curtain treatment like the drum room. We offer high-end guitar amplifiers and cabinet combinations, including Marshall, Mesa Boogie, Ampeg, Kemper, and Synergy. We have [5] of these matching amplifier and cabinet combinations available. The live room also boasts four high-end keyboard options, including the Roland RD 800, Prophet 12, Moog Sub Phatty, and Hammond SK 1, each providing a unique sound. An incredible-sounding drum set is also available.
Our Keyboards cover the 'meat and potato sounds, 'which are the essential and foundational sounds in many genres of music. First, the Roland RD 800 achieves a perfect piano sound. Two of our boards, the Prophet 12 and the Moog Sub Phatty, provide the ideal analog sound. Last but not least, our Hammond SK 1 rounds out the keyboards. Hammond is the organ Gurus.
Our drum set is not just any drum set. It's a seven-piece PDP drum set, unique in its design with two 22" Kicks that deliver a robust and deep bass sound that's hard to find elsewhere. The set also includes Sabian AAX Studio cymbals, known for their bright and crisp sound. More importantly, they do not ring out over the next part of the song, ensuring a clean recording. The snare is a Dial Tune Nickel Brass 6.5 x 14. It is triple mic'd top, bottom, and the brass between the snare's top and bottom, allowing for a versatile range of sounds. Our secondary snare drum, the Sonar AQ2, can be adjusted to three sizes (12, 10, and 8 inches) with a mechanical lever (the Z Kit)—a perfect complement.
One of our standout features is the Dynamount. This cutting-edge technology allows us to precisely and automatically adjust the microphone on the cabinet in real time as you play your instrument. In simpler terms, we can dial your exact tone with a simple button press on our app. This microphone movement, done via wifi in a separate recording room, allows you to shape your guitar's sound on your record in real-time. It's a game-changer. We fine-tune the guitar sound before you even play a note by moving the microphone across the speaker, ensuring your desired tone with unparalleled precision. With the Dynamount, you have complete control over your sound, ensuring it's exactly as you want it.
Another standout feature is our Synergy guitar amplifier. It's not just an emulation; it's the real deal. Many of the modules are made by the companies they emulate, ensuring an authentic sound. We back that up with (5) guitar cabinets and the speakers that are in the original amp. The module tone and the speaker of the original amplifier mean it is that amp. Fender Twin module - Jensen speaker cabinet choice is a perfect match, guaranteeing high-quality, authentic sound. With our Synergy amplifier, you can be confident that you're getting the best sound possible, giving you the reassurance you need to focus on your music.
For even more versatility, you can choose our Kemper Profiling Amplifier. This powerhouse has a matching cabinet loaded with a flat speaker sonically. The fact that the speaker is sonically neutral is a crucial feature because the profile has the speaker sound baked in. With the Kemper, you have a wide range of amp choices. The perfect speaker match for emulations and the ability to move the microphone to the best position for your sound with the Dynamount make our Kemper an outstanding choice for guitar tone, offering you endless possibilities and the ability to create your unique sound. The Kemper Profiling Amplifier is a tool that will inspire your creativity and push your sound to new heights.
We also have Marshall, Ampeg, and Mesa Boogie amplifiers with matching cabinets. These amplifiers are double-mic'd, meaning we use two microphones to capture the sound, providing a richer and more dynamic tone by blending them. They also have Dynamounts, a feature that lets us move the microphone in real time, giving you more control over your sound. These set-ups offer a DI as well. You can completely change the sound with the DI or augment the sound for a left-right combination. Our studio specializes in capturing the sound you want, ensuring your music sounds as you envision it.